Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Paper wallet template and tutorial

I got the tutorial from Instructables here, but I didn't like that there were no measurements. So I made a few and measured and figured out a nice template for them. Here it is for you to use!

Click to make larger and then save. It should be 8.5" x 11". Make sure when you print it, that you don't have your printer set to "scale to fit". Some of the lines might not print due to your printer's capabilities, but you should still be able to use the template.

I used a 1/2" margin on the sides for the folds there. The little rectangles marked for removal are 1/2" from the edge, so the tabs that will remain need to be folded/tucked 1/2".

You can alter the opening in the middle (the diagonal lines), but it's a nice size and the cards can go in and out easily.

I suggest opening this in PhotoShop or another image program and putting images on it before printing. Follow the directions for where/how to place images in the template instructions below.